quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011


No último dia 01 de setembro, reiniciou-se a CHACINA de golfinhos em Taiji, no Japão.
Alheio e indiferente aos apelos de todo o mundo, o Japão recomeçou o MASSACRE anual dos golfinhos.
Há poucos dias foi reiniciada também a temporada anual de chacina de baleias, que o Japão teima em continuar a realizar, agora acompanhado de escolta armada.

Valendo-se de um precedente criado pela própria IWC (International Whaling Comission), o Japão continua a adotar a impostura de realizar "pesquisas" com baleias, fatos sabidamente inverídicos.
Diante destes CRIMES e deste ULTRAJES, convoco a todos para que participem de 2 FORMAS DISTINTAS de protesto, diante de fatos com relação aos quais não podemos nos calar.

Passo 1 - ASSINE a petição, que será encaminhada o corpo do e-mail cujo envio será solicitado abaixo:


Passo n 2: Envie seu E-MAIL de repúdio hoje ainda: (e, se possível, diariamente)


enviar e-mail para:

zeimu@town.taiji.lg.jp, info@dolphinbase.co.jp, cultural.japao@bs.mofa.go.jp, comunicacao@bs.mofa.jp

com cópia para:
kokusai@office.chiba-u.jp, kenkyoukikaku@adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp, ad@jim.titech.ac.jp,kokusai@post.saitama-u.ac.jp, kokusai@ofc.kobe-u.ac.jp, ryugaku@ofc.kobe-u.ac.jp,kokusai@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp, intl@post.jimu.nagoya-u.ac.jp, inquiry@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp,www_admin@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp, ryu@cc.ocha.ac.jp, message@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp,isc@sec.tsukuba.ac.jp, kokusai@hpc.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp, yugak78@mail.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp,koryu52@mail.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp, ryugaku@bureau.tohoku.ac.jp, kokusai@bureau.tohoku.ac.jp,kouryu@general.hokudai.ac.jp, g-ryuu@s.kaiyodai.ac.jp, kk-gaku@s.kaiyodai.ac.jp,toiawase@ml.geidai.ac.jp, gakryu1@cc.tuat.ac.jp, soumuka@u-gakugei.ac.jp,secretaria@camaradojapao.org.br, cultural@embjapao.pt, ryoji@embjapao.pt,consuladogeraldojapao@arcstar.com.br, japaoemb@uol.com.br, consularjapao@yawl.com.br,consular.japao@bs.mofa.go.jp, comunicacaojapao@bs.mofa.go.jp,cultural.japao@bs.mofa.go.jp, cjpoa@terra.com.br, cgjcwb@terra.com.br, midias@japao-rio.org.br, info.cultural@japao-rio.org.br, cgjpnrec@veloxmail.com.br, cgjm@vivax.com.br,letters@washpost.com, cadeia2010@gmail.com, con.japan.manaus@netiu.com.br, consucgj@nethall.com.br, midias@japao-rio.org.br, info.cultural@japao-rio.org.br, bolsa@japao-rio.org.br, eventos@japao-rio.org.br , consuladogeraldojapao@arcstar.com.br, cgjcultural5@arcstar.com.br,

Títulos sugeridos: STOP the SLAUGHTER, You are a SHAME to Humanity, We will boycott Japan, We will definitely treat Japan as a hostile country, etc.

Mensagem-modelo em inglês:

To whom it may concern,

This message's intention is to inform you that, due to your government's attitude, defying worldwide public opinion, by insisting on the brutal killing of whales and dolphins in Taiji, I will spare no efforts to promote a BOYCOTT to all japanese products: not only the ones that are produced in Japan, but also of the ones put at sale in my country if they carry any japonese brand's name.

I thought that after the huge Tsunami that shattered your land into pieces, and in view of the international support you require to rebuild your country, you would show a little good will regarding the international public opinion in relation to marine life preservation efforts.
I was mistaken, unfortunately.

In September you reinitiated the dolphin slaughter in Japan. Now the whale slaughter has been resumed.

Japan insists on desrespecting the rest of the world with its attiudes as a country which makes from whale hunt and dolphin slaughter and sale an industry. Your crimminal behaviour towards marine species will not be tolerated any longer.

Once I had a very good image of Japan. Not any longer, sadly to me.
As a a very hard worker on many animal protection groups, I will be promoting this Boycott Request, to which, I am pretty sure, most people will join, both in Portugal and Brazil.
I will be listing every japanese brand to my knowledge __ from cars, domestic appliandes, such as TVS and sound equipments, to photographical equipment brands __ so that people be sure not to buy them at all.
We will NOT cooperate with your reconstruction efforts, due solely to your arrogant behaviour, which shows no respect at all to our positions in relation to these important matters. Nor to the animals killed in this constant slaughter.

Be sure there are MANY people that think just this same way:


And I will also advise people about not joining any japanese universitary program as long this "research program" of Japan goes on. This not scientific research: this is pure greedy slaughter and a defiance to the public opinion.
And surely, after the radioative contamination of your land and waters, your tourism will also be a thing of the past for quite a long while, be sure.

It would have been far easier for us all if you had been willing to give our claims a bit of compassionate and diplomatic thought. Nevertheless, you have chosen up to know to choose the wrong path: so confrontation is inevitable.


(seu nome e país)

2 comentários:

  1. Tudo em nome do dinheiro , e para satisfazer o Capricho de alguns Milionários ,,,,,

  2. Tudo em nome do dinheiro , e para satisfazer o Capricho de alguns Milionários ,,,,,
