terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

SNAPPERFEST - encontro anual de psicopatas para torturar tartarugas

Está programada para breve nova rodada do HEDIONDO espetáculo de TORTURA de tartarugas nos EUA, no estado de Indiana, denominado Snapperfest.
Neste "show" a céu aberto, que reúne inúmeros psicopatas americanos, as tartarugas são giradas, esmagadas, tem suas cabecinhas puxadas para fora de seus cascos, pisoteadas e lançadas longe pelos participantes desta BARBÁRIE.
Esta barbárie acontece anualmente em agosto, todos os anos. Por incrível que pareça, a própria realização deste "festival" constitui uma contravenção das próprias leis de "bem-estar" animal do estado.
Torturar Tartarugas NÃO é DIVERSÃO:

Este ano a Animals Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) já tornou a protocolar petição na tentativa de que isto não se repita em 2012. Até onde se saiba, o teor da reivindicação petição foi desconsiderado, já que o estado entendeu que a proteção oferecida por suas leis "não se aplicaria às tartarugas", uma vez que o estado ainda consente na caça e pesca. Entretanto, o que o estado parece ter feito questão de não entender é que uma vez capturadas, estes animais, ainda que sob suas parcas leis, passam a ter SIM o direito de não ser torturadas.

Why are animal advocates and attorneys sticking their necks out for snapping turtles? The undercover video shot at Snapperfest in August 2011 and released today reveals: 
  • Turtles held by their tails, which can cause severe damage to their vertebra and internal organs.
  • Turtles repeatedly dropped and thrown to the ground during relays in which contestants run while carrying them. 
  • Turtles’ heads pulled out of their shells and turtles held up by their heads during the “main event.” Footage shows contestants violently wrestling on the ground with terrified turtles in an effort to pull their necks out of their shells. 
Recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally neglecting a vertebrate animal, as is done during Snapperfest, is a Class A misdemeanor in Indiana. 

“While an exception to Indiana’s cruelty statute states that it does not apply to fishing, hunting, or trapping, it does not allow for wanton abuse of any animal after that animal has been trapped,” explains ALDF’s director of litigation Carter Dillard. “The Department of Natural Resources’ misinterpretation of this law has allowed the shameful abuse of turtles at Snapperfest for the past fifteen years—and would literally allow someone to torture a turtle, a deer, a coyote, or any animal to death, so long as that animal had been trapped first. It is time for this legal misinterpretation to be corrected and for the state to put an end to this pathetic event once and for all.”


Existem algumas formas de tentar ajudar a acabar com isto,  de forma a pressionar quanto a isso, em conjunto com as manifestações vindas de outros países em que se protesta contra  esta VIOLAÇÃO extrema dos direitos destes animais.
Vamos escrever para aqueles que, em Indiana, tem o poder de IMPEDIR o festival de TERROR das TARTARUGAS, que acontece anualmente e leva o nome de Snapperfest? Sob o patrocínio da Budweiser, registre-se o fato.

 -I - Você pode assinar e compartilhar ao máximo as petições abaixo. Basta clicar no link abaixo e preencher seus dados.


STOP Endorsing Camp Snapperfest

Please stop Snapperfest from hapenning again

- II - Envie seu E-MAIL para aqueles que poderiam por um fim nisso, caso quisessem.

 Basta copiar, colar, assinar e enviar diretamente do seu e-mail pessoal.
Obs: nesta mensagem-modelo, abaixo, estão citadas, inclusive as leis estaduais que estão sendo descumpridas pelos "organizadores" deste terror.

 Escrever para:
 yvonnewalton@hotmail.com, twalton@cinergy.com, ohioctyauditor1@earthlink.net , info@campshorecampground.com,mpadgett@orvcomm.com, sslack@orvcomm.com, lgraves@orvcomm.com, bradcliff@orvcomm.com, rpowell@orvcomm.com,

 com cópia para:
 rlist22@gmail.com, lynnellewellyn@yahoo.com, scoop1j@gmail.com, redwood17257@yahoo.com, robinyocom@yahoo.com, steven.penn80@yahoo.com, tlfry@anderson.edu, jmurray7@sycamores.indstate.edu, karen.barnhart@gmail.com, brazilads@yahoo.com, brazilads@yahoo.com, classifiedcallcenter@yahoo.com, bjriley@tribstar.com, max.jones@tribstar.com, grobbins@suncommercial.com, dstaver@suncommercial.com, scunningham@suncommercial.com, classified@suncommercial.com, tbrown@suncommercial.com, mweisenberger@suncommercial.com, retail@suncommercial.com 

Títulos sugeridos (para quem não escreve em inglês):
Please intervene, This is illegal, Do not consent on brutalizing animals in Indiana for "fun", Please stop this despicable animal torture, How can you possibly accept this to go on?, Torture is not a sport, Is Indiana a lawless state?

 Carta-modelo em inglês:

 Gentlemen and Ladies,

I am writing today to share my disturbance regarding the event “Snapperfest”.

As established by footage and first-hand accounts, this event is characterized by the methodical torture of turtles in a demonstration of “entertainment”. During this event, a turtle is systematically brutalized, his tail and neck are pulled and ripped and his body is slammed repeatedly to the ground, all while he is fully conscious, subjecting him to what can only be considered excruciating pain and prolonged suffering and fear. Furthermore, according to Indiana law, this event should be classified as illegal considering that turtles are vertebrate animals.

Indiana law stipulates:
 "A person having a vertebrate animal in the person's custody who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally abandons or neglects the animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class B misdemeanor. A person who knowingly or intentionally purchases or possesses an animal for the purpose of using the animal in an animal fighting contest commits a Class A misdemeanor. However, a person who knowingly or intentionally promotes or stages an animal fighting contest, uses an animal in a fighting contest, or attends an animal fighting contest having an animal in the person's possession commits a Class D felony. Further, a person who knowingly or intentionally beats a vertebrate animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class A misdemeanor. However, the offense is a Class D felony if the person has a previous, unrelated conviction under this section or the person knowingly or intentionally tortures or mutilates a vertebrate animal."

Intentional Acts
35-46-3-12 Beating vertebrate animal
IN ST 35-46-3-.05 – 15; IN ST 36-8-3-18

As such, I, along with a national and international contingent of concerned citizens, implore upon you to act swiftly and responsibly by using your influence to enact an immediate moratorium on this illegal event, and, until such a time, I feel my only recourse is to promote a boycott of your state with respect to both tourism and commerce.

As clearly and flawlessly explainded by ALDF's director Carter Dillard, you are clearly incurring in a consented and recurring misinterpretation of you own laws:

"While an exception to Indiana’s cruelty statute states that it does not apply to fishing, hunting, or trapping, it does not allow for wanton abuse of any animal after that animal has been trapped.”

Please provide your voice for others to observe their obligatory duty and responsibility by protecting animals, not sanctioning their torture; your ethical and dutiful gesture of legal authority would serve as an model of civil and community justice.

 Thank you for your time and attention to this urgent issue.

 (seu nome e país)

Obrigada a quem se dispuser a ajudar.


2 comentários:

  1. Mais uma vitória, conseguimos com as petições que o festival nao ocorra mais ! Esta proibido ! VIVAAA
    Site da noticia: http://aldf.org/article.php?id=2122
