Cumprimos nossa obrigação.
Nos manifestando publicamente no dia 23 de maio em defesa dos direitos de um Homem e dos direitos dos animais marinhos.
Neste momento em que escrevo já se passaram 15 dias desde que Paul Watson foi preso ao desembarcar na Alemanha.
Liberado sob fiança de 250 mil euros no dia 21 de maio, a Alemanha prefere se manter numa posição no mínimo bastante discutível, mantendo Paul Watson limitado ao país. Especula-se que em associação com interesses do Japão, em impedir a ação de Paul Watson contra a pesca ilegal de baleias praticada ostensiva e despudoradamente por aquele país.
Em ato público convocado mundialmente pelo Sea Sheperd, aqui no Brasil apoiado incondicionalmente pelo Cadeia para quem Maltrata os Animais, fomos muitos a comparecer aqui no Rio de Janeiro.
Por iniciativa de membros do Cadeia, foram realizados atos públicos de idêntica natureza também em Brasília __ em frente à Embaixada alemã __ e em Belo Horizonte, em frente ao Consulado daquele país.
O ISSB organizou atos em São Paulo, Recife, Porto Alegre e Rio de Janeiro, com maciço comparecimento de membros do Cadeia para quem Maltrata os Animais.
Acredito que demos assim a nossa contribuição à mobilização mundial que exige o correto tratamento dispensado a um ativista que há 3 décadas defende solitariamente os interesses da vida marinha do planeta Terra.
O ato mundial, do dia 23 de maio, foi realizado de forma a coincidir com a chegada da atual presidente da Costa Rica à Alemanha, em visita oficial.
Neste meio tempo, correm rumores desde a Costa Rica, de que estaria sendo planejada a extradição de Paul Watson para o Japão:
Fica a pergunta aqui, dirigida à Alemanha, sob a forma de uma imagem que nos recorda de momentos desastrosos em nossa história mundial:
Não se enganem: o mundo caminha a passos largos para um "governo global".
Leia-se "controle global".
Inicialmente vendido aos trouxas como uma "vantagem comercial".
Criou-se a União Européia. Entre outras ...
Estamos em vias de ver criada a União africana.
A economia da Europa tornou-se dependente da economia alemã.
Só não vê quem não quer.
Em resposta às muitas mensagens que o Cadeia solicitou que fossem enviadas aos representantes da União Européia sobre a prisão e possível extradição de Paul Watson, recebemos um única resposta: a carta aberta redigida por Gerald Häfner, que aqui transcrevo, para conhecimento de todos:
Dear Citizens,
thank you very much for your e-mails concerning the case of Captain Paul Watson.
Ive been following the passionate activism of Paul Watson for several decades and owe him the greatest respect for his commitment of saving the oceans and its habitat.
Without such a commitment of people like Paul Watson the situation of this planet would be even more terrifying than it is anyway. We all have to fight against the destruction of the environment, especially the destruction of our oceans, where the most terrible crimes are taking place at the moment since they are largely hidden from the public. Paul Watson and Sea Shepard are trying to change this and therefore deserve our solidarity.
Noone can be allowed to commit crimes, even if it is for the good. However, where crimes are being invented or made up in order to get rid of unpleasant activists with the aim of continuing illegal action, we have to support the victims of these persecutions and prevent the abuse of criminal law.
My friends and collegues in the Green Group Daniel Cohn-Bendit and José Bové have taken actions and support Paul Watson in this case, which I fully share. I hope that they can contribute to the prevention of the persecution of him.
Gerald Häfner
Professor of International Law, Department of European, International and Comparative
Law at Vienna University
Born 3 August 1943, studies at the Vienna Law Faculty, Dr. iur. 1966, further studies at
Paris, The Hague, Moscow. Univ. Ass. since 1970, Univ. Doz. 1983 (International Law
and International Economic Law), Prof. at Vienna Law Faculty since 1990; Visiting
Professor in Stanford 1996, Bratislava since 1992, Lecturer at Diplomatic Academy
Vienna, M.A.I.S., University of Krems, Member of International Law Commission 1997
- 2001; Conciliator at OSCE Court and Member of its Bureau 2001 - 2007; former
Deputy Chairman of German Society of International Law, Member of the Austrian
National Group of Arbitrators at the PCA, Membre de l'Institut du Droit International,
Chairman of the Austrian Branch of the International law Association; Chairman of the
Committee of the ILA on State succession, Legal Consultant to the Austrian Ministry for
foreign affairs; Director of the Department of European, International and Comparative
Law (University of Vienna); Member of the Governing Board of the European Studies
Institute (Moscow)
Distinctions: Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für die Verdienste um die Republik Österreich,
Bundesehrenzeichen, Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (France)
thank you very much for your e-mails concerning the case of Captain Paul Watson.
Ive been following the passionate activism of Paul Watson for several decades and owe him the greatest respect for his commitment of saving the oceans and its habitat.
Without such a commitment of people like Paul Watson the situation of this planet would be even more terrifying than it is anyway. We all have to fight against the destruction of the environment, especially the destruction of our oceans, where the most terrible crimes are taking place at the moment since they are largely hidden from the public. Paul Watson and Sea Shepard are trying to change this and therefore deserve our solidarity.
Noone can be allowed to commit crimes, even if it is for the good. However, where crimes are being invented or made up in order to get rid of unpleasant activists with the aim of continuing illegal action, we have to support the victims of these persecutions and prevent the abuse of criminal law.
My friends and collegues in the Green Group Daniel Cohn-Bendit and José Bové have taken actions and support Paul Watson in this case, which I fully share. I hope that they can contribute to the prevention of the persecution of him.
Gerald Häfner
Professor of International Law, Department of European, International and Comparative
Law at Vienna University
Born 3 August 1943, studies at the Vienna Law Faculty, Dr. iur. 1966, further studies at
Paris, The Hague, Moscow. Univ. Ass. since 1970, Univ. Doz. 1983 (International Law
and International Economic Law), Prof. at Vienna Law Faculty since 1990; Visiting
Professor in Stanford 1996, Bratislava since 1992, Lecturer at Diplomatic Academy
Vienna, M.A.I.S., University of Krems, Member of International Law Commission 1997
- 2001; Conciliator at OSCE Court and Member of its Bureau 2001 - 2007; former
Deputy Chairman of German Society of International Law, Member of the Austrian
National Group of Arbitrators at the PCA, Membre de l'Institut du Droit International,
Chairman of the Austrian Branch of the International law Association; Chairman of the
Committee of the ILA on State succession, Legal Consultant to the Austrian Ministry for
foreign affairs; Director of the Department of European, International and Comparative
Law (University of Vienna); Member of the Governing Board of the European Studies
Institute (Moscow)
Distinctions: Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für die Verdienste um die Republik Österreich,
Bundesehrenzeichen, Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (France)
Video caseiro feito pelo Cadeia do ato em 23 de maio, no Rio de Janeiro, em frente ao Consulado da Alemanha,
Rua Presidente Carlos de Campos 417, das 11hs às 13 hs:
Para outras informações sobre o ATO realizado no Rio de Janeiro, acesse:
ATO PÚBLICO em Defesa de Paul Watson - Rio de Janeiro, RJ