Se aprovada, esta indústria assassina "fabricará" cães para posterior "revenda" para experimentação animal e vivissecção.
Infelizmente, a recusa inicial foi estabelecida, não por motivos ÉTICOS, mas por considerações de trânsito e transporte (!), por incompatibilidade julgada diante do PPG13: Transport and policy G2 of the Holderness District Wide Local Plan Adopted - April 1999.
Assim, o que comemoramos como um fato julgado e uma recusa definitiva para este "empreendimento", volta a assombrar os ativistas dos direitos animais em todo o mundo. Sendo assim, precisamos retomar com URGÊNCIA o nosso envio permanente de mensagens CONTRA esta indústria de vítimas para a vivissecção e impedir que o que foi antes considerado uma VITÓRIA, venha dar lugar a uma AUSCHWITZ no Reino Unido, justo no momento em que a sociedade inglesa e o mundo se mobilizam CONTRA este comércio assassino injustificável, mantido apenas em nome do LUCRO e da FALSA CIÊNCIA, já que sabidamente existem alternativas éticas de pesquisa e estudo que dispensam a utilização, o sofrimento, a tortura e a morte de animais.
Outras informações:
ERYC Appeal Case Number:11/00047/REFUSE - este foi o documento oficial da RECUSA, daquilo que foi inicialmente proposto como as a asquerosa proposta de nome Planning Application Number 11/01324/STPLF.
Planning Inspectorate Reference: Numbers:APP/E2001/A/11/2156819
Appeal Starting Date:25th July 2011
Appellant: Mr Roy Sutcliffe, B & K Universal Ltd.
nikki.sinclaire@europarl.europ, godfrey.bloom@europarl.e, timothy.kirkhope@, linda.mcav, edward. mcmillan-scott@europarl.europa .eu, diana.wallis@europarl.eur
Títulos sugeridos: Estes ou quaisquer outros, relacionados ao assunto, de preferência mudados a cada dia, como forma de burlar os filtros de Spam.
We will judge you by the ETHICAL criteria you adopt in relation to animal rights
Do NOT allow this to gappen: England has its HONOUR to sustain
This is NOT a business proposal: this is a SHAME to England
Say NO to animal mass murder and torture
Mensagem sugerida:
To the YORKSHIRE COUNCIL Planning Department,
Dear Sirs,
Ref: Planning Application Number 11/01324/STPLF.
I was deeply shocked by the news that you are considering the uphauling possibility of reviewing your previous REFUSAL of allowing Marshall Farms to demolish the old buildings on the site of the longly closed UK vivisection breeder B&K Universal in order to build new torture installations, which sole purpose would be construction of 4 units for use in breeding beagle dogs for vivissection.
Needless to say, It was very disappointing to me to know that the former criteria that led to your previous decision
were not based on ETHICAL values, but exclusively in pragmatical considerations of PPG13: Transport and polucy G2 of the Holderness District Wide Local Plan, adopted in 1999.
At the time, we thought better of you. Now you have the opportunity of doing the RIGHT THING, solely based on humane considerations and Ethics, based on good science's criteria.
This insistant proposal made by Mr Roy Sutcliffe, on behalf of the hideous financial interests of B & K Universal Ltd, goes against every line of british standrds of ethics and confronts the image England has a highly civilized first-leading country in fighting animal exploration and vivissection.
You country was historically the first country to go openly against this unethical and unnecessary procedure. This is the reputation the UK has conquered before the world's public opinion.
I just cannot understand why, in the name of money, you would put to ground the honour of your country in such a shameless way.
Please notice that if this barbaric permission is granted, many thousands of beagles will be imprisoned in the kennels onsite to be sent on to labs for toxicology research experiments, where these sentient animals will be poisoned on a daily basis and suffer a painful, lingering death.
Please make it a point of honour, in respect for Britain's tradition, NOT to allow Marshall Farms to expand their sick business and reach out into the UK.
In a nutshell, I firmly urge you to REFUSE this infamous request & its appeal (Planning Application Number 11/01324/STPLF), made on the 25th July.
The United Kingdom is much greater than this sordid & barbaric proposal, which would only downgrade you before the international public opinion.
Please help England to remain remembered by its high standards of ethics and decency, by sustaining human and animal rights,
Yours sincerely,
(Seu nome apenas)