I -
Mulesing: Você sabe o que é?
Os "produtores de lã" australianos utilizam tesouras de jardinagem para retirar a pele e carne dos cordeiros sem o uso de qualquer anestesia. Esta é considerada uma forma barata de evitar a infestação de larvas, que livra o produtor de empregar recursos na compra e aplicação de métodos de controle parasitário mais éticos e sofisticados.
Este massacre tem o nome de Mulesing - ESFOLAMENTO
O mulesing envolve a remoção de pele coberta de pelo (lã) da área genital e anal das ovelhas. Quando os cortes cicatrizam, a pele naturalmente nua em volta da vulva e do ânus é alargada, o que reduz a umidade causada pelo suor e por manchas de urina e fezes, minimizando a suscetibilidade de infestação por larvas de mosca.
Estes procedimentos foram-se tornando cada vez mais radicais, resultando, nas fêmeas, num tal esticar dos tecidos após a cicatrização que os lados da vulva são repuxados, expondo mucosas sensíveis e aumentando a incidência de cancro da vulva.
Durante este "procedimento" geralmente também a cauda é cortada, total ou parcialmente, o que, sem a sombra por ela fornecida, acaba por agravar o surgimento do cancro da vulva destes animais.
Mulesing por
Removem-se nacos de sua carne, expondo seus genitais, "para o controle dos parasitas".
Além da tortura, sabe-se hoje que estes animais ficam expostos a uma série de outras doenças, câncer na região inclusive.
Para acesso a um relato pormenorizado recomendo a leitura desta matéria postada pela Animals Austrália:
Neste mesmo site você encontra fartas evidências da corrupção e do suborno que prevalece na "indústria de lã" australiana.
Vamos assinar e compartilhar estas 2 petições e, de preferência BOICOTAR o consumo de produtos feitos com lã australiana?

II - Exportação de Ovelhas e Vacas VIVAS para o Oriente Médio
Além do sofrimento enquanto produzem lã em quantidade, quando são consideradas "velhas" __ depois de barbarizadas desta forma por 4 ou 5 anos de suas vidas __ milhões de ovelhas são enviadas para o Médio Oriente enfrentando condições degradantes, a bordo de navios de vários andares e de convés aberto.
Muitas ovelhas doentes e feridas, tratadas como simples "mercadoria defeituosa", são atiradas ao mar ou trituradas vivas em máquinas de maceração.
As sobreviventes desta viagem ao inferno morrem degoladas quando ainda estão totalmente conscientes. Esta é uma pré-condição no Oriente para o consumo de sua carne.
A Animals Austrália é hoje reconhecida internacionalmente pela árdua batalha que trava pela VIDA dos animais, sobretudo carneiros, no país.
Este outra matéria é sobre a abominável forma de ganho econômico em vigor no país. Exportar animais VIVOS para o abate no exterior.
O texto descreve os fatos relativos ao que se passa no trajeto em navios destes pobres animais e o que os aguarda ao chegar ao seu lugar de abate.
Impossível não se comover e não se posicionar.
Neste ano, depois que um horário foi comprado em TV comercial na Austrália pela Animals Australia, o país parou numa série de manifestações realizadas em mais de 10 cidades australianas contra esta barbárie. O governo ameaçou ceder mas se manteve firme em sua decisão de ignorar a decência e continuar a fazer disto uma fonte de lucro para os pecuaristas do país.

Não é preciso qualquer esforço para se olhar para este rostinho e entender o CRIME a que são submetidos estes animais.
Consulte farto material a respeito em:
Aproveite esta oportunidade e não deixe de assinar as 2 petições da Animals Australia contra este ato vergonhoso, mantido a título de "comércio":
A Austrália é hoje vista com muitos maus olhos pela comunidade internacional dos defensores dos direitos dos animais. Inclusive pela chacina dos cangurus no país, para o consumo de sua carne e venda de sua pele.
O CENÁRIO de TERROR hoje imposto pela Austrália às ovelhas (e também aos bois no país) é algo de uma CRUELDADE impensável.
Aproveitei a oportunidade para manifestar igualmente o trágico destino que vem sendo imposto aos cangurus no país, mortos para uso de suas peles em tênis e outros artefatos, por grandes multinacionais.
Gostaria MUITO se todos vocês me ajudassem a escrever uma DECLARAÇÃO de REPÚDIO às autoridades e ministros daquele país. Em seguida __ e em postagem subsequente, em separado __ postarei o link que permite o envio de mensagens diretamente ao gabinete da Primeiro Ministro daquele país.
Por favor, enviar e-mails para:
joe.helper@parliament.vic.gov.au , Tony.Burke.MP@aph.gov.au , attorney@ag.gov.au , ministerial@treasury.gov.au, enquiries@regional.gov.au, media@regional.gov.au, kevin.rudd@dfat.gov.au, infoausaid@ausaid.gov.au, minister@innovation.gov.au, naclc@clc.net.au,
Títulos possíveis: (à sua livre escolha, algumas sugestões abaixo)
Extreme animal cruelty
Shame on Australia
Animal murder: the mark of your nation?
What happened to Australia's principles of ethics?
Mensagem-Modelo em inglês:
Dear Sirs,
Australia's image before the public opinion has been downgraded to hedious levels.
Your established practices in relation to the wool industry and the export of live sheep are simply hedious and has araised the most negative feelings from people worldwide.
- Your so called "wool factories".
As your most certainly know, specially bred sheep are kept indoors in individual small pens 24 hours a day for 4 or five years. Nylon coats are worn by the ‘shedded’ sheep to further ensure that dust and dirt does not enter their fleece, and—like every other intensive animal industry—the behavioural and social needs of the sheep, intrinsic factors which provide quality of life, are completely ignored. Some indoor ‘ultra fine’ facilities house the sheep in groups. A welfare assessment of this intensive system is yet to be undertaken.
A major supporter of Australia’s ultra-fine wool industry is leading Italian fashion house, Ermenegildo Zegna. The ‘prestige’ of winning an Ermenegildo Zegna award is much sought after in wool industry circles. The ‘Vellus Aureum Trophy’ is awarded by Count Paulo Zegna each year for the ‘golden fleece’—the finest micron fleece.
Animals Australia Executive Director Glenys Oogjes and Communication Director Lyn White were ‘introduced’ to the sheep that grew the 2005 ‘golden fleece’ during a tour of ‘The Wool Factory’. However, this award-winning sheep, like the other 930 odd Merino-Saxon sheep kept in this indoor facility, had little to celebrate.
The impacts of chronic stress caused by an inappropriate environment were obvious. The confined sheep continually chew on the wooden slats and strands of wire which enclose them. Repetitive body movements were also observed—classic stereotypic behaviours caused by a barren environment, combined with the inability to exercise, or to perform simple natural behaviours such as graze on grass.
Sheep suffer chronic stress as a result of their inappropriate environment, causing them to continually chew on the wooden slats and strands of wire which enclose them.
Suggestions that these animals are 'better off' living in such confinement—as they are sheltered and have a daily food source—is a desperate defence from those who know they are denying these animals every behavioural need that provides any enrichment in their lives, on the basis of profit.
Requests from Animals Australia for The Wool Factory to permit an expert in animal behaviour to assess the well-being of sheep in The Wool Factory was denied.
Concerns were raised with the Victorian Government Animal Welfare Advisory Committee resulting in a request for committee members to attend the facility to observe the sheep. This too was denied. A request from the Department of Primary Industries to install cameras in the facility to monitor the behaviour of the sheep has also been denied.
Clearly the management of The Wool Factory—despite their protestations that the sheep are happy and healthy—aren’t confident that experts in the field will reach a similar conclusion. Their cruel practices continue and once again they have recently celebrated winning the Zegna trophy.
There appears little doubt that the welfare issues witnessed at ‘The Wool Factory’ (the income from which supports training programs for the disabled) would be replicated at other private ‘ultra-fine’ facilities, where sheep are also individually penned.
The sheep Code of Practice states that animals that are unable to adapt to the indoor confinement should be returned to grazing. Clearly from the evidence gathered at The Wool Factory, this is not occurring. If operators are not complying with the Code of Practice they can be prosecuted for cruelty under state animal welfare laws.
Therefore, I am taking this opportunity to urge you to ensure that there are regular inspections of intensive sheep facilities and to prosecute operators for cruelty who are not returning sheep to grazing.
- Shipping of live sheep and cattle from Australia to the Middle East
During the last 30 years, Australia has sent more than 150 million sheep and cattle to be slaughtered in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry up to 100,000 animals for voyages lasting up to 3 weeks.
More than 2 million animals have died on these ships en route, deaths deemed an ‘acceptable’ loss by an industry that puts profit above all else. One can only imagine the suffering these animals have endured while slowly dying due to illness, failure to eat the pellet diet (starvation), heat stress, etc. The vast majority dies in their crowded pens without any aid or treatment.illion sheep and cattle to be slaughtered in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry up to 100,000 animals for voyages lasting up to 3 weeks.
Investigations conducted by Animals Australia in Middle Eastern countries have exposed the terrible cruelties inflicted upon Australian animals in these countries. Most importing countries have not one single law to protect animals’ welfare. Once in the Middle East, Australian sheep are routinely purchased, bound, and shoved into car boots in a region where temperatures reach 50°C in summer. Both sheep and cattle have their throats cut whilst fully conscious, suffering prolonged, distressing and painful deaths.
Live animal export is inherently cruel, immoral, and indefensible suffering these animals have endured while slowly dying due to illness, failure to eat the pellet diet (starvation), heat stress, etc. The vast majority dies in their crowded pens without any aid or treatment.
The number of citims from Australian live exports:
Around 4 million sheep are exported to the Middle East each year. The biggest markets are Kuwait and Saudi Arabia with around 1 million imported sheep each. Other primary destinations include Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Tens of thousands of sheep die on the ships before they reach the Middle East.
Each year Australia exports over half a million cattle. Most go to South East Asia - the majority to Indonesia - and more than 119,000 cattle were exported to the Middle East (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, and Libya) during 2006. A temporary suspension due to an Animals Australia expose of cruel practices meant that no cattle were sent to Egypt in 2006. Hundreds die on the sea voyage, and more succumb to illness and disease after arrival.
Therefore, I urge you to end the export of live animals from Australia to the Middle East. As compassionate human being, I demand that the Australian government ends this trade and, in doing, restore Australia’s reputation as a compassionate and ethical nation.
I firmly believe that Ms Gillard's government needs to act to restore Australia's reputation as a compassionate and ethical nation. Whilst you continue to supply animals to the Middle East you are reinforcing local beliefs that their treatment of animals is acceptable.
It is only logical to say that Australia cannot oppose animal cruelty whilst continuing to knowingly supply animals to a cruel fate.
Please consider the two cruelty situations mentioned above and answer, with ACTIONS, the important question we all put to ourselves: "Do you really want to be recognised as the 'world leader' in these cruel and immoral trades?
I used to see Australia with good eyes, believing it was a faithful follower of british standards of ethics and honour. Unfortunately, due to the high cruelty imposed to animals in your country, which includes as well the kangaroo slaughter you are now allowing to happen as well, this has changed and Australia today is seen through my eyes as a barbaric country when it cvomes to animal rights.
Your sincerely,
(seu nome)
Envio de mensagem (via link) para a Primeiro Ministro da Austrália:
Usar o seguinte link:
Mensagem-modelo em inglês:
To the Prime Minister,
Australia's image before the public opinion has been downgraded to hedious levels.
Your established practices in relation to the wool industry and the export of live sheep are simply hedious and has araised the most negative feelings from people worldwide.
- Your so called "wool factories".
As your most certainly know, specially bred sheep are kept indoors in individual small pens 24 hours a day for 4 or five years. Nylon coats are worn by the ‘shedded’ sheep to further ensure that dust and dirt does not enter their fleece, and—like every other intensive animal industry—the behavioural and social needs of the sheep, intrinsic factors which provide quality of life, are completely ignored. Some indoor ‘ultra fine’ facilities house the sheep in groups. A welfare assessment of this intensive system is yet to be undertaken.
A major supporter of Australia’s ultra-fine wool industry is leading Italian fashion house, Ermenegildo Zegna. The ‘prestige’ of winning an Ermenegildo Zegna award is much sought after in wool industry circles. The ‘Vellus Aureum Trophy’ is awarded by Count Paulo Zegna each year for the ‘golden fleece’—the finest micron fleece.
Animals Australia Executive Director Glenys Oogjes and Communication Director Lyn White were ‘introduced’ to the sheep that grew the 2005 ‘golden fleece’ during a tour of ‘The Wool Factory’. However, this award-winning sheep, like the other 930 odd Merino-Saxon sheep kept in this indoor facility, had little to celebrate.
The impacts of chronic stress caused by an inappropriate environment were obvious. The confined sheep continually chew on the wooden slats and strands of wire which enclose them. Repetitive body movements were also observed—classic stereotypic behaviours caused by a barren environment, combined with the inability to exercise, or to perform simple natural behaviours such as graze on grass.
Sheep suffer chronic stress as a result of their inappropriate environment, causing them to continually chew on the wooden slats and strands of wire which enclose them.
Suggestions that these animals are 'better off' living in such confinement—as they are sheltered and have a daily food source—is a desperate defence from those who know they are denying these animals every behavioural need that provides any enrichment in their lives, on the basis of profit.
Requests from Animals Australia for The Wool Factory to permit an expert in animal behaviour to assess the well-being of sheep in The Wool Factory was denied.
Concerns were raised with the Victorian Government Animal Welfare Advisory Committee resulting in a request for committee members to attend the facility to observe the sheep. This too was denied. A request from the Department of Primary Industries to install cameras in the facility to monitor the behaviour of the sheep has also been denied.
Clearly the management of The Wool Factory—despite their protestations that the sheep are happy and healthy—aren’t confident that experts in the field will reach a similar conclusion. Their cruel practices continue and once again they have recently celebrated winning the Zegna trophy.
There appears little doubt that the welfare issues witnessed at ‘The Wool Factory’ (the income from which supports training programs for the disabled) would be replicated at other private ‘ultra-fine’ facilities, where sheep are also individually penned.
The sheep Code of Practice states that animals that are unable to adapt to the indoor confinement should be returned to grazing. Clearly from the evidence gathered at The Wool Factory, this is not occurring. If operators are not complying with the Code of Practice they can be prosecuted for cruelty under state animal welfare laws.
Therefore, I am taking this opportunity to urge you to ensure that there are regular inspections of intensive sheep facilities and to prosecute operators for cruelty who are not returning sheep to grazing.
- Shipping of live sheep and cattle from Australia to the Middle East
During the last 30 years, Australia has sent more than 150 million sheep and cattle to be slaughtered in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry up to 100,000 animals for voyages lasting up to 3 weeks.
More than 2 million animals have died on these ships en route, deaths deemed an ‘acceptable’ loss by an industry that puts profit above all else. One can only imagine the suffering these animals have endured while slowly dying due to illness, failure to eat the pellet diet (starvation), heat stress, etc. The vast majority dies in their crowded pens without any aid or treatment.illion sheep and cattle to be slaughtered in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry up to 100,000 animals for voyages lasting up to 3 weeks.
Investigations conducted by Animals Australia in Middle Eastern countries have exposed the terrible cruelties inflicted upon Australian animals in these countries. Most importing countries have not one single law to protect animals’ welfare. Once in the Middle East, Australian sheep are routinely purchased, bound, and shoved into car boots in a region where temperatures reach 50°C in summer. Both sheep and cattle have their throats cut whilst fully conscious, suffering prolonged, distressing and painful deaths.
Live animal export is inherently cruel, immoral, and indefensible suffering these animals have endured while slowly dying due to illness, failure to eat the pellet diet (starvation), heat stress, etc. The vast majority dies in their crowded pens without any aid or treatment.
The number of citims from Australian live exports:
Around 4 million sheep are exported to the Middle East each year. The biggest markets are Kuwait and Saudi Arabia with around 1 million imported sheep each. Other primary destinations include Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Tens of thousands of sheep die on the ships before they reach the Middle East.
Each year Australia exports over half a million cattle. Most go to South East Asia - the majority to Indonesia - and more than 119,000 cattle were exported to the Middle East (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, and Libya) during 2006. A temporary suspension due to an Animals Australia expose of cruel practices meant that no cattle were sent to Egypt in 2006. Hundreds die on the sea voyage, and more succumb to illness and disease after arrival.
Therefore, I urge you to end the export of live animals from Australia to the Middle East. As compassionate human being, I demand that the Australian government ends this trade and, in doing, restore Australia’s reputation as a compassionate and ethical nation.
I firmly believe that Ms Gillard's government needs to act to restore Australia's reputation as a compassionate and ethical nation. Whilst you continue to supply animals to the Middle East you are reinforcing local beliefs that their treatment of animals is acceptable.
It is only logical to say that Australia cannot oppose animal cruelty whilst continuing to knowingly supply animals to a cruel fate.
Please consider the two cruelty situations mentioned above and answer, with ACTIONS, the important question we all put to ourselves: "Do you really want to be recognised as the 'world leader' in these cruel and immoral trades?
I used to see Australia with good eyes, believing it was a faithful follower of british standards of ethics and honour. Unfortunately, due to the high cruelty imposed to animals in your country, which includes as well the kangaroo slaughter you are now allowing to happen as well, this has changed and Australia today is seen through my eyes as a barbaric country when it cvomes to animal rights.
Your sincerely,
(seu nome e país)